Top reasons to buy an electric golf buggy

Electric golf buggies have become a staple on golf courses across the world. These vehicles are designed to save you energy and time required to walk the entire 18 holes.
Electric golf buggies are powered by batteries and have electric motors that provide a smooth and quiet ride. They are also eco-friendly, reducing the environmental impact of golfing. One of the drawbacks of traditional electric golf buggies are the size and inability to fold easily down. Our SG-5E is the world's first electric golf buggy that folds completely flat. This is a huge step forward in technology and design.
Another advantage of electric golf buggies is their reliability. With no major mechanical parts, electric golf buggies generally have little to no mechanical issues, allowing golfers to enjoy their round without worrying about their transportation. We recommend you always charge your electric golf buggy after each round of golf. The SG-5 electric golf buggy contains a live display screen to easily see how much charge you have remaining.
Our electric golf buggy range is perfect for the travelling golfer and comes equipped with a range of included buggy accessories such as a protective travel carry case, drink holder, umbrella holder, USB charger, sand bottle, scorecard holder, pencil holder, ball marker holders, tee holders & more. This makes them suitable for golfers of all ages and sizes, as well as families and groups of friends who want to enjoy a round of golf together.